█ 学術論文
- Go Okada, Toshinori Yoshioka, Ayumu Yamashita, Eri Itai, Satoshi Yokoyama, Toshiharu Kamishikiryo, Hotaka Shinzato, Yoshikazu Masuda, Yuki Mitsuyama, Shigeyuki Kan, Akiko Kurata, masahiro Takamura, Atsuo Yoshino, Akio MANTANI, Osamu Yamamoto, Norio Yokota, Tatsuji Tamura, Hiroaki Jitsuiki, Mitsuo Kawato, Okito Yamashita, Yuki Sakai, Yasumasa Okamoto: Verification of the brain network marker of major depressive disorder: Test-retest reliability andn anterograde generalization performance for newly acquired data. Journal of Affective Disorders 326, 2023 262-266:
- Go Okada, Yuki Sakai, Maki Shibakawa, Toshinori Yoshioka, Eri Itai, Hotaka Shinzato, Osamu Yamamoto, Kenichi Kurata, Tatsuji Tamura, Hiroaki Jitsuiki, Hidehisa Yamashita, Akio MANTANI, Norio Yokota, Mitsuo Kawato and Yasumasa Okamoto: Examining the usefulness of the brain network marker program using fMRI for the diagnosis and stratification of major depressive disorder: a non-randomized study protocol. BMC Psychiatry, 2023 23:
- Kohei KAJIWARA, Hiroko NOTO, Akio MANTANI, Yoko IWASAKI, Shinobu NUTABA, Jun KAKO, Mika MIYASHITA: Association Between Subjective Caregiver Burden and Heart Rate Identified Using Wearable Sensors Among Informal Caregivers of Peaple with Dementia. Japanese Journal of International Nursing Care Research, 2021 20; 51-60.
- Hissei Imai, Mitsuhiko Yamada, Masatoshi Inagaki, Norio Watanabe, Bun Chino, Akio Mantani, Toshiaki A Furukawa: Behavioral Activation Contributed to the Total Reduction of Depression Symptoms in the Smartphone-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized, Controlled Trial. Innov Clin Neurosci, 2020 17; 21-25.
- 萬谷昭夫:SUND臨床試験に参加して行った工夫 まんたに心療内科クリニックから. 精神医学2020, 62(1): 64-65
▶Medical Finder
- Tajika A, Furukawa T, Inagaki M, Kato T, Mantani A, Kurata K, Ogawa Y, Takeshima N, Hayasaka Y, Noma H, Maruo K: Trajectory of criterion symptoms of major depression under newly started antidepressant treatment : sleep disturbances and anergia linger on while suicidal ideas and psychomotor symptoms disappear early. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 2019 140;6:532-540.
- Akechi T, Mantani A, Kurata K, Hirota S, Shimodera S, Yamada M, Inagaki M, Watanabe N, Kato T, Furukawa T: Predicting relapse in major depression after successful initial pharmacological treatment. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2019 108-113.
- Kajiwara K, Mantani A, Noto H, Miyashita M, : The relationship between caregiver burden and caregiver pulse rate measured by using a wristwatch-type pulsimeter with accelerometer in home-based family caregivers for persons with dementia: Pilot study. Psychogeriatrics, 2019 Aug.
- Kato T, Furukawa TA, Mantani A, Kurata K, Kubouchi H, Hirota S, Sato H, Sugishita K, Chino B, Itoh K, Ikeda Y, Shinagawa Y, Kondo M, Okamoto Y, Fujita H, Suga M, Yasumoto S, Tsujino N, Inoue T, Fujise N, Akechi T, Yamada M, Shimodera S, Watanabe N, Inagaki M, Miki K, Ogawa Y, Takeshima N, Hayasaka Y, Tajika A, Shinohara K, Yonemoto N, Tanaka S, Zhou Q, Guyatt GH & Investigators S: Optimising first- and second-line treatment strategies for untreated major depressive disorder - the SUND study: a pragmatic, multi-centre, assessor-blinded randomised controlled trial. BMC Medicine. 2018, 16, 103.
▶Open Access ▶PDF
- Akio Mantani, Tadashi Kato, Toshi A Furukawa, Masaru Horikoshi, Hissei Imai, Takahiro Hiroe, Bun Chino, Tadashi Funayama, Naohiro Yonemoto, Qi Zhou, Nao Kawanishi: Smartphone Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as an Adjunct to Pharmacotherapy for Refractory Depression: Randomized Controlled Trial. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH. 2017 19;iss.11:e373:1-16.
▶Open Access ▶PDF
- Yamamura T, Okamoto Y, Okada G, Takaishi Y, Takamura M, Mantani A, Kurata A, Otagaki Y, Yamashita H, Yamawaki S: Association of thalamic hyperactivity with treatment-resistant depression and poor response in early treatment for major depression: a resting-state fMRI study using fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations. Transl Psychiatry. 2016 8;6:e754.
▶Open Access ▶PDF
- 尾崎京華、森岡壯充、萬谷昭夫、山脇成人:パーキンソン病に合併するうつ病に対するミルタザピンの有効性について. 精神医学2016, 58: 685-690
▶Medical Finder
- Naohiro Yonemoto, Shiro Tanaka, Toshi A. Furukawa, Tadashi Kato, Akio Mantani, Yusuke Ogawa, Aran Tajika, Nozomi Takeshima, Yu Hayasaka, Kiyomi Shinohara, Kazuhira Miki, Masatoshi Inagaki, Shinji Shimodera, Tatsuo Akechi, Mitsuhiko Yamada, Norio Watanabe, Gordon H. Guyatt and for the SUN(^_^)D Investigators: Strategic use of new generation antidepressants for depression: SUN(^_^) D protocol update and statistical analysis plan. Trial 2015, 16;459
▶Open Access ▶PDF
- 古川壽亮、下寺信次、明智龍男、山田光彦、渡辺範雄、稲垣正俊、三木和平、米本直裕、小川雄右、田近亜蘭、竹島望、篠原清美、藤瀬昇、相澤明憲、池田学、安本眞吾、広田進、内村直尚、岡本泰昌、高石佳幸、萬谷昭夫、倉田健一、山脇成人、藤田博一、窪内肇、森信繁、近藤真前、加藤正、辻の尚久、茅野分、水野雅文、管心、杉下和行、笠井清登、井上猛、伊東かほり、久住一郎、SUN☺D臨床試験グループ:SUN☺D 大うつ病に対する新規抗うつ剤の最適使用戦略を確立するための大規模無作為割り付け比較試験. 精神医学 2014, 56: 477-489
▶Medical Finder
- Sumiyoshi H, Mantani A, Nishiyama S, Fujiwaki S, Ohta S, Masuda Y, Tomita Y, Tarumoto N, and Yamawaki S: Yoku-kan-san treatment of geriatric patients receiving hemodialysis, with behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia: An open-label study. Am J Geriat Psychiatry on line 2013, March
- 林真紀、増田慶一、冨田洋平、住吉秀律、樽本尚文、萬谷昭夫、山下秀尚、山脇成人:Rivastigmineにより幻視が消失したレビー小体型認知症の1例. 精神医学 2012, 54: 1033-1037
- 増田慶一、冨田洋平、住吉秀律、樽本尚文、萬谷昭夫:当院精神科病棟における禁煙への取り組み. 精神医学2012, 54: 87-89
- Sumiyoshi H, Mantani A, Nishiyama S, Fujiwaki S, Ohta S, Masuda Y, Tomita Y, Tarumoto N, and Yamawaki S: Yoku-kan-san treatment of geriatric patients receiving hemodialysis, with behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia: An open-label study. Am J Geriat Psychiatry 2011, 19:906-907
▶PDF ▶PubMed
- Paolella BR, Havrda MC, Mantani A, Wray CM, Zhang Z, Israel MA.: p53 directly represses Id2 to inhibit the proliferation of neural progenitor cells. Stem Cells 2011, 7: 1090-101
- 冨田洋平、萬谷昭夫、藤原寛子、和田健、佐々木高伸、日域広昭、山脇成人:ステロイド補充療法中に軽躁状態を呈したACTH単独欠損症の2例. 精神医学 2010, 53: 563-567
- 樽本尚文、住吉秀律、冨田洋平、増田慶一、萬谷昭夫:当院における精神障害者の身体合併症治療に関する現状と今後の展望. 広島医学 2010 63; 756-759
- 中村研、高石佳幸、辻誠一、萬谷昭夫:自宅退院の可能性、-有床総合病院精神科病棟の閉鎖から考える-. 精神科治療学2010, 25: 1111-1115
- Mantani A, Yamashita H, Fujikawa T, and Yamawaki S.: Higher incidence of hysterectomy and oophorectomy in women suffering from clinical depression: Retrospective chart review. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2010 64: 95-98
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- Duffield GE, Watson NP, Mantani A, Peirson SN, Robles-Murguia M, Loros JJ, Israel MA, Dunlap JC.: A role for Id2 in regulating photic entrainment of the mammalian circadian system. Current Biology 2009, 24; 297-304
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- Havrda MC, Harris BT, Mantani A, Ward NM, Paolella BR, Cuzon VC, Yeh HH, Israel MA.: Id2 is required for specification of dopaminergic neurons during adult olfactory neurogenesis. Journal of Neuroscience 2008, 28:14074-86
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- 住吉秀律、山下英尚、萬谷昭夫、山脇成人:長期間難治性てんかんとして治療されていたナルコレプシーの一例. 精神医学2008, 50: 997-1000
- Mantani A, Fujikawa F, Ohmori N, and Yamawaki S: Methylphenidate in the treatment of geriatric patients with vascular depression: A retrospective chart review. Am. J. Geriatr. Psychiatry 2008 16: 336-337
- 畑矢浩二、萬谷昭夫、辻誠一、藤川徳美:Quetiapineによりけいれんが誘発された精神遅滞の1例. 精神医学49: 1123-1126, 2007
- 萬谷昭夫、藤川徳美、大森信忠:低栄養状態をきたし緊急を要した脳血管性うつ病に対しmethylphenidateが有効であった2症例. 精神医学49: 421-424, 2007
- 萬谷昭夫、藤川徳美、大森信忠:治療抵抗性統合失調症に対し使用したestriolによる不正性器出血がraloxifene投与にて改善した1例. 精神医学48: 777-779, 2006
- Mantani A*, Yun K*, Garel S, Rubenstein J and Israel MA: Id4 regulates neural progenitor proliferation and differentiation in vivo. Development 2004, 131: 5441-5448(*Authors contributed equally)
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- Yamauchi Y, Abe K, Mantani A, Hitoshi Y, Suzuki M, Osuzu F, Kuratani S and Yamamura K. A novel transgenic technique that allows specific marking of the neural creat cell lineage in mice, Developmental Biology 212: 191-203, 1999
- Israel MA, Hernandez M-C, Florio M, Andres-B. P, Mantani A, Carter JH and Julin CM. Id gene expression as a key mediator of tumor cell biology, Cancer Research, 59, 1726-1730, 1999.
- Mantani A, Hernandez MC, Kuo WL and Israel MA. The mouse Id2 and Id4 genes: structural organization and chromosomal localization, Gene 222: 229-35, 1998
- Ohbo K, Suda T, Hashiyama M, Mantani A, Ikebe M, Miyakawa K, Moriyama M, Nakamura M, Katsuki M, Takahashi K, Yamamura K-I and Sugamura K. Modulation of the hematopoiesis in mouse with a truncated mutant of the interleukin 2 receptor g chain. Blood 87: 956-967, 1996
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- Nagahiro S, Mantani A, Yamada K and Ushio Y. Multiple cerebral arterial occlusions in a young patient with Sjögren's syndrome: case report. Neurosurgery 38: 592-5; 1996
- Mantani A, Wakasugi S, Yokota Y, Abe K, Ushio Y and Yamamura K. A novel isoform of the neurofibromatosis type-1 mRNA and a switch of isoforms during murine cell differentiation and proliferation. Gene 148: 245-251, 1994
- Itoyama Y, Uemura S, Hamada J, Mantani A, Ushio Y. Aneurysm arising from the cortical branch of the superior cerebellar artery: case report. No Shinkei Geka 18: 867-870, 1990
█ 医学会発表
- Hayashi M, Mantani A, Sumiyoshi H, Nishiyama S, Fujiwaki S, Ohta S, Masuda Y, Tomita Y, Tarumoto N, Yamawaki S. Yokukansan treatment of chronic renal failure patients receiving hemodialysis, with behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia: An open-label study. At 11th Annual Meeting of the International College of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology in Irvine, USA(2011.11.2-11.5)
- Tomita Y, Mantani A, Hayashi M, Masuda Y, Tarumoto N, Yamashita H, Yamawaki S. ECT treatment was effective and safe for senile vascular depression: Two cases report. At 2nd Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology in Seoul, Korea(2011.9.23-9.24)
- 冨田洋平、増田慶一、樽本尚文、萬谷昭夫. 当院精神科病棟における禁煙への取り組み. 広島精神神経学会(2010.7.3)
- Masuda K, Tomita Y, Mantani A, Yamashita H, Fujikawa T, and Yamawaki S. Higher incidence of hysterectomy and oophorectomy in menopausal women suffering from clinical depression: A retrospective chart review. At 27th Annual Meeting of the Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum in Hong Kong, China (2010.6.6-6.10)
- 冨田洋平、増田慶一、樽本尚文、萬谷昭夫、山下英尚、藤川徳美、山脇茂人:更年期女性におけるうつ病と婦人科手術歴に関する後方視的調査:第106回日本精神神経学会総会(2010.5.10-12)
- Tomita Y, Mantani A, Yamashita H, Fujikawa T, and Yamawaki S. Higher incidence of hysterectomy and oophorectomy in older women suffering from clinical depression: A retrospective chart review. at 9th Annual Meeting of the International College of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology in Baltimore, USA (2009.11.4-11.7)
- 住吉秀律、樽本尚文、萬谷昭夫、山脇茂人:透析中の認知症周辺症状にたいする抑肝散の効果と安全性について. 臨床精神神経薬理学会 (2008.10.1)
- Mantani A, Sumiyoshi H, Tarumoto N, and Yamawaki S: Yoku-kan-san for the treatment of geriatric patients receiving hemodialysis with behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia: A retrospective chart review. at eighth Annual Meeting of the International College of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology in Sydney, Australia (2008.9.3-9.6)
- 樽本尚文、住吉秀律、萬谷昭夫:精神障害者の身体合併症治療に関する現状と今後の展望-閉鎖病棟を持つ総合病院の立場から-第414回広島精神神経学会 (2008.7.5)
- Mantani A, Fujikawa F, Ohmori N, and Yamawaki S: Methylphenidate augmentation in the treatment of geriatric patients with vascular depression: A retrospective chart review. at 7th Annual Meeting of the International College of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology in San Diego, USA (2007.10.31-11.3)
- Mantani A, Fujikawa T, and Ohmori N: Methylphenidate was effective for senile vascular depression: Two cases report. at Sixth Annual Meeting of the International College of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology in Hiroshima., Japan (2006.10.3-6)
- 藤田秀和、片桐秀晃、萬谷昭夫、長田昌士、岡野浩、森岡壯充:ICU, HCU, CCUにおけるコンサルテーション. 心身医学, 43: 859-860, 2003
- Mantani A, Miyashita-Lin M, Hernandez M-C, Andres PJ, Pedersen RA, Rubenstein JL, and Israel MA “The phenotype of Id2 and Id4 null mutant mice” Developmental Biology meeting, CA, USA 2000
- Mantani A, Hernandez M-C, Andres PJ, Pedersen RA and Israel MA (1999) “Function of Id proteins during neural differentiation with mouse embryonic stem cells” The 13th International Conference on Brain Tumor Research and Therapy, Hokkaido, Japan
- Mantani A, Hernandez M.-C, Andres PJ, Pedersen RA and Israel MA (1998) “Function of Id proteins during neural differentiation with mouse embryonic stem cells” The Society for Neuro-Oncology, Third Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA
- Mantani A, Araki K, Suzuki M, Hitoshi M, Abe K, Ushio Y and Yamamura K (1995) "Analysis of the P0-Cre transgenic mouse; Conditional knock out of the Neurofibromatosis 1 gene with Cre-loxP system" 18th The Japanese Molecular Biological Society Meeting, Nagoya, Japan
- Mantani A, Wakasugi S, Abe K, Ushio Y and Yamamura K (1993) "Novel isoform of Neurofibromatosis type 1 mRNA and Switch of isoform during neuronal differentiation and proliferation" The Japanese Cancer Society Meeting, Sendai, Japan
- Mantani A, Wakasugi S, Abe K, Ushio Y and Yamamura K (1993) "Analysis of structure and expression of the mouse NF1-GRD gene" 16th The Japanese Molecular Biological Society Meeting, Kyoto, Japan
- Mantani A, Wakasugi S, Ushio Y and Yamamura K (1993) "Novel isoform of Neurofibromatosis type 1 mRNA" The Japanese Human Genetics Society Meeting, Tsukuba, Japan
- Mantani A, Wakasugi S, Ushio Y and Yamamura K (1992) "Analysis of the mouse NF1-GRD" The Chinese Molecular Biological Society Meeting, Beijing, China
- Mantani A, Ito Y, Yamamoto H, Fukumura A, Urasaki E, Yamada M and Ushio Y (1990) "Bilateral mirror image aneurysms of the distal anterior cerebral artery" 39th Kyushu Neurosurgical Society Meeting, Saga, Japan
- Mantani A, Yamamoto T, Takeshima H, Ota H, Fukumura A, Mihara K, Abe K and Yokota A. (1990) "Lambdoid synostosis" 41st Kyushu Neurosurgical Society Meeting, Kitakyusyu, Japan
█ 近年の研究会発表
- 萬谷昭夫:拒食、希死念慮で休学した女子大生に対するCBTの経験:平成26年度広島県精神科診療所協会思春期症例検討会(2014.4.5)
- 冨田洋平、増田慶一、樽本尚文、萬谷昭夫:当院でのパルス波治療器の導入について:第2回広島ECT研究会(2011.3.12)
- 萬谷昭夫:高齢者の精神症状の診断と治療:佐伯地区医師会研究会(2010.10.14)
- 増田慶一、冨田洋平、樽本尚文、萬谷昭夫:脳血管性うつ病に対するmECTの効果と安全性について:第6回中国地区総合病院精神医学会研究会(2010.10.2)
- 萬谷昭夫:認知症透析患者に対する抑肝散の効果と安全性:Science of KAMPO in psychiatry –Hiroshima–(2010.9.28)
- 冨田洋平、樽本尚文、萬谷昭夫:当院でのパルス波治療器の導入について:第1回広島ECT研究会(2010.1.16)
- 萬谷昭夫:高齢者うつ病の病態と治療. 備北神経疾患懇話会(2008.06.12)
- 萬谷昭夫、藤川徳美、大森信忠、山脇茂人:脳血管性うつ病に対するmethylphenidateの効果と安全性について. 広島脳血管性障害研究会 (2008.5.14)
█ 近年の総説
- 萬谷昭夫:透析中の認知症患者に対する抑肝散の効果と安全性. 漢方医学2012, 36, 132-136

- 萬谷昭夫、山下英尚、藤川徳美:脳血管障害のある高齢者のうつ病の治療では、どのようなことに留意すべきでしょうか? 老年医学2009, 47, 1493-1496
- 萬谷昭夫、藤川徳美:形態画像検査. (三村将編集):老年期うつ病ハンドブック. 診断と治療社2009, 58-62
- 萬谷昭夫、岡田剛、岡本泰昌、高見浩、山脇成人:トピックス・fMRI. (三村将編集):老年期うつ病ハンドブック. 診断と治療社2009, 63-66
- 萬谷昭夫、藤川徳美:うつ病におけるアパシーの治療 (小林祥泰 編集):脳疾患によるアパシー(意欲障害)の臨床. 新興医学出版社、東京、154-161, 2008
- Mantani A, Chen P, Bollen A, and Israel MA "Molecular Genetics of Malignant Glioma" American Cancer Society, Atlas of Clinical Oncology, Brain Cancer Volume, 2001
- Mantani A and Israel MA "Brain Tumor" Cancer Research: An encyclopedic Reference, 1999